I don t miss my boyfriend reddit. You guys are hurting together.

My SO works basically 24/7 as a chef so I don’t see him much and that has really helped. I'd rather him here hogging the bed like he usually does, I enjoy that mans company. My wife and I went through the same thing when we were dating, so I understand. I may not be cheesy and I don't express sweetness most of the time, but I love you so much. He makes me cry a lot. Things to Do When You Miss Your Ex I'm doing my best, thanks. I’ve gotten really independent and I make plans, not so much since the pandemic obviously. However for me I feel like it’s when I don’t feel like I’ve been connecting with my fiancé on a deeper level. We've been friends for 3 years, dating for 1 year. I ended a 5 year relationship 6 months ago. I don’t feel joy and euphoria and laughter with him like I have with a handful of other partners. If I like my body, I like my body and theres nothing you're going to say that will change my mind. If I now believed the society around me, I might even think (especially with all the NRE going on) that my boyfriend is "the one" for me, as he is the first one with whom I experience this kind of passionate love. 8K votes, 704 comments. ” Before that I said I miss him. My boyfriend of 1 year broke up with me about 3 weeks ago. When we got together the summer was starting & we both finished exams so we got to spend so much time together and go on vacations etc. My boyfriend and I are super young, not even in college yet, so I'm not sure how to handle him leaving for basic. We dated from the ages of 16-22. edit 1: thank you all so much for the love and condolences. But I still love him so much. and a big part of it is having no friends irl and missing my long distance boyfriend. He’s been prescribed adderall for years but only takes it M-F. just in general i feel so so sad. He’s my best friend alongside my boyfriend — I’m able to tell him everything, he makes me so genuinely happy and I have so much fun with him to the point where I miss him after spending the entire day together. Whatever he went through he learned that he’s capable of being independent but at the same time still seems to like the idea, or likes the comfort blanket of “having a girlfriend”, even if they really aren’t dating. I guess I already know the answer to this question, it’s just nice to hear other people’s thoughts. I just left sleeping over at his place and I miss him a lot still 🥹 In fact, I always miss him all the time. My current girlfriend is amazing, so this feeling when I miss my ex. Crazy how similar our situation is - you’re not alone. Falling in love can feel intoxicating. Now I just sit in my room after school wondering if he's going to want to do anything. which is fine, whatever, but the fact that we haven’t had a proper conversation in months bothers me. But I don't love him any less because I don't feel those missing feelings. I am always there to lend an ear and we spend really Actually i don't drink. But for some reason I did not feel happy to be back. But for me it’s like I feel love for him and wanna be with him when I’m not with him. 🥲 Also, does anyone relate to this? I (21F) miss my boyfriend (24M), but not in the way you may think. I miss my boyfriend so much I’ve been dating my LD bf for a few months now, I love him so damn much, but recently life had gotten so busy for both of us and he hasn’t called me in 2 weeks. See you on Friday. We met in college and have known each other for 6 years but dated around 3 years. i usually end up getting the items my department needs each hour from his departments section and we usually end up talking for 10-15 minutes unless either of Yea, I find that I don't miss people, I love them but find that I enjoy my own company enough to not feel like I miss something or someone. I'm sorry but know that I had my own shit to deal with so I couldn't focus on you. My boyfriend and I are coming up on two years and still miss each other when we are apart. I still had a lot of my things back home at my parents. We're approximately 40 kilometers away, but I miss you. I miss your skin touches mine. While the first he’s not a very busy person, it’s just we have very different sleep schedules which makes us unable to talk to each other that much. But when I’m with him, it’s like I don’t care. Also it's nice to feel more independent and less needy. I've been having a hard time this last week since my boyfriend left for Basic Training (BMT) in the Air Force last Tuesday. I hope I don't lose my mind if he doesn't come back soon, or at all. The first person to ever care and know the emotions I had. If I believed in "the one". it feels like the man i was in love with died. ) here’s the dilemma: as of late i’ve felt incredibly neglected in our lately my boyfriend has been responding very late and less and less. We only dated for about a year, and I love him in some ways but he loves me much more. I don't give a fuck what they think. 🔊☺️ We only see each other 1-2 times a week due to us being busy with school and work. My boyfriend and his boss like to have beers at my house after work. 🥺” But I’m just like unsure how to feel. I’m functional, I’m seeing friends, engaging in hobbies, but it all feels performative. I am not sure of how to act or what to say to him. I miss his kisses, and the way he stares into my eyes lovingly for a moment before leaning in. We almost never talk, and I dont have fun when I see him anymore. true. Whenever I’m around him I don’t worry about how I’m acting or how I’m looking. it interacts strongly with my meds. Don’t feel like shit for “invading his privacy” when he’s continuously broken your trust. I still miss him every second we are apart. Conflict is inevitable in any partnership — and long-distance couples aren’t immune to the occasional disagreement. I have got nothing both love for you, K****o. The Real Housewives of Atlanta The Bachelor Sister Wives 90 Day Fiance Wife Swap The Amazing Race Australia Married at First Sight The Real Housewives of Dallas My 600-lb Life Last Week Tonight with John Oliver I could go on. I miss your kisses and hugs. I miss him so much that i start crying because i cant see him anymore. i just miss him so much all the time, and not even in a bad way, but I remember my first ex I only missed her mostly because of her body and sex. It seems highly unlikely he ever was a great boyfriend because great boyfriends don’t cheat. After all, I'm just a stranger but as someone that used to move in shady ways and has cleaned up their act in order to save the relationship, I'm just saying his actions need to be discussed between you and him. He passed from suicide and I don’t understand why it wasn’t me. That breakup was the most painful day. So much that I want to cook breakfast for you and the kids that will be having. our last date i swear i knew something was up and wouldn’t stop kissing him. All my friends still do and the people I know who are single and unmarried still live with their parents at our age. I didn't want to talk to him every day. Hes always on mind my mind. I still miss my ex till this day, she will always have a special place in my heart and I wish her well ️ . But I don't want to message him/ bother him because we're still new and I don't want to seem too needy. But i miss him a lot. i miss kissing him. I Broke Up With my Boyfriend Because our Relationship Was Toxic But I miss Him I [24F] broke up with my boyfriend [23M] around 4 months ago because our relationship had become toxic and borderline abusive. I’ve heard to keep yourself busy which is what I’ve been doing and the time has been flying by. From looking at other post you've made I wanted to tell you that I don't think you miss the person but miss the idea you had of who that person was. My boyfriend doesn't wear cologne and it's just his natural scent I love! His deodorant/shampoo doesn't smell like his scent, so it has to be him I guess!. I don't want you to think I'm making excuses, I know I'm a pathetic loser but it's how I am and though I know you deserve someone 100x better than me I can't help but miss you. In fact I think she was shit for me. I don’t want to keep telling him that I miss him or I want him so he doesn’t feel sad too or get overwhelmed with my feelings. We've been together for almost a year, and we talked every single day and saw each other at least once or twice a week before he left. It helps to remind myself that maybe he's unable to break up with me due to his "shyness" and that he really wants this. i fucking miss my boyfriend. Literally a broken record in my head. I just wish I could see him again this year, but I don’t think it’s going to happen, and it’s not like I can drive there either. my heart goes to one and every one of you ♥️ I think about this week all the time. the best thing he did for me was to support me, whether it was taking me to therapy appointments, being there for me when i was trying 3 different anti-depressants, getting my body fixed & taking me to pt, the chiroprator, and the doctors because i I haven’t seen my boyfriend since early March before spring break (we’re in highschool). The first person to ever love me. I make him mad a lot. These days we don’t do too much it’s just checking up on each other, I wish we could do more. Not for opinions, not for relationship advice, and not for preaching. The fact that you guys broke up doesn’t mean you don’t love each other (excluding domestic abuse). But gosh I really miss him 😭😭 He doesn't like me acting all cute and femboyish cuz I'm 27 already and perhaps a bit too old for this 😓 and I don't like him doing drugs. What I don't miss is him. 18K votes, 1. It’s honestly so normal to still live with your parents at your age. I don’t… I (34f ADHD, OCD, anxiety, depression) am trying to be understanding of my bf (36m pda- autistic, ADHD, OCD, anxiety, depression) because I too have somewhat PDA due to ADHD when it comes to tasks but not to the point where I don't want to be around him. It's normal to get a bit tired of your partner when you're with them for an extended period of time, but if you don't miss him, I do think that is telling. I wasn't getting my needs met and I felt really bad doing it because he really is a very good guy but I just wasn't feeling too happy with the way our relationship was fizzling out. it’s statistically even unlikely that we would’ve even ended up dating, as i am the first girl he’s ever even talked to/liked before, and we go to different schools. I don't want to lose him, he's easily one of the most important people in my life, but I'm scared if I talk to him about how I'm feeling he'll think I'm needy and annoying. i miss talking to him. I love him so much. ) Me and my boyfriend have been together for almost two years long distance, we haven't met yet because of school and financial reasons. And I miss him everyday every second and i constantly check my phone is there any reply or not it's a first time that I miss my boyfriend so much at this way it's too hard for me to spend a day without talking with my boyfriend what I do i don't know I am just waiting for him that he will come back soon and talk to me . we’ve been through a lot the last two years we’ve known each other, but i really liked him. My advice is to first reflect on how you really feel, and if you need then talk to him honestly about this and voice how you both feel in plain words. And we’ve learned to understand each other and are continuing to learn and grow. Normal dating advice says "if a guy wants to he would" but that doesn't seem to apply to PDA. 10M subscribers in the relationship_advice community. I used to be emotionally co-dependent but learned to grow out of it and I’m thankful. I miss him telling me about a beautiful thing he saw at work, and wishing I was with him to see It’s hard to pinpoint why we feel this way, and for everyone it may be different. I really miss my boyfriend right now. He buzzed it all off about 6 months ago, and don’t get me wrong he’s still SO handsome to me and his hair is still attractive the way it is now, and I like that I can see more of his face, but I miss his longer hair so much and he doesn’t plan on going back to growing it out anytime soon. It is a two way street! I appreciate your viewpoint though, and I’ll think about it, thank you Feb 4, 2021 · Your partner isn’t willing to work through problems in the relationship. my heart goes to one and every one of you ♥️ Aug 28, 2019 · Here's The Truth About If It's Healthy To Miss Your Partner All Day Long. That awful feeling will fade with time. i thought i was going to marry this man, but now i don't think i could be with someone who will put me down after all those years i I broke up with my Boyfriend little over 2 weeks ago, we date for 5 years. I don’t really have anyone else to talk to about this and I was wondering to connect with some of you guys here and what you do when you miss your SO. I miss talking to him about happy moments in my day, and telling him that I wished he was with me to experience it. Like a lot of other folks are saying, I recommend getting some non-BF hobbies, because the texting, crying, and way you talk about him isn’t healthy. I'm not sure if it's just my anxiety or if I have valid reasons for breaking up. We see each other quite frequently and love spending quality time together but even a couple days apart makes us really miss each other. I don't mind this change, though. i am away for 4 months (due to college) and i am meeting him soon. Hence the doubt. I don't miss his abuse. idk if this is just a normal girl thing or if im alone in feeling this way but i miss my boyfriend so bad all the time even when he’s right next to me. I think about him, I look forward to seeing him, but I'm very secure in our relationship, and I know that whatever time I have away from him, is just a blip on what's, hopefully, a lifetime of time together. That’s the thing I wouldn’t be surprised if an update mentions that he doesn’t want to break and he wants to “work” on things. I didn't miss him. If she loves you, she will listen and help come to a resolution. he’s not gone or anything, but recently he has barely been responding to my messages and when he does, it’s at least 3-5 hours later up to a day or two later. The only time I’ve been able to see him was when he would pick me up to take me to work. I wish he would just come see me unexpectedly if he really misses me. But tbh I actually know my boyfriend isn't the one. this whole thing is making me really sad because he keeps saying i deserve better etc but i just want us to work i need advice. I miss waking up next to him greeting him good morning. He needs to see a professional but I know that I can only push him so far. I actually have 9 months wait left until my insurance can pay for a surgery that will place a battery running high frequency voltage into my brain. i’m not the Sometimes I (18F) miss my boyfriend (18M) so much and I don't know why, I'm trying not to be too needy and he's never complained about me being too much or anything Idk how to explain it but when he's busy and doesn't text for hours or some cases the whole day it makes me so sad and I feel so lost. I dont thing I… I miss my boyfriend loads tonight. Being friends is good, and you two sound really good together, but please don't go into a relationship because you just want to fill a void. 1. Past relationships and future relationships I didn't just choose to love someone. I feel u. In this article, I have listed some things you can do to take your mind off of missing your boyfriend, and these activities will keep you occupied until he returns to you. i miss waking up in the morning with his arms around me. I was with him for 6 years but I things stopped working. I’m really happy with the breakup and I even have a new boyfriend. I don't like hurting everytime I think of our relationship and I don't like how insecure I've become. I have never felt such a strong connection with a guy like this before. . One effective way of doing this that has been scientifically proven to work, is to sit down and think about all the negative aspects of your ex. I miss the validation, I miss always having someone to hang out with, I miss just the physical aspect of it too. :( I WANT HIM BACK. i feel that i can go longer without seeing him and i don’t get the butterflies in my stomach as i’m about to meet him soon. I was in love with her for most of the relationship until she started treating me like I wasn’t worth her time so I broke up with her but I remember regretting it cuz she had the perfect hourglass body and a pretty face and I was like I’m never gonna find something better and two months later I started The thing is that my boyfriend is the same way so it isn't a problem at all. 5 months after and It’s not like I miss her tbh. I want my old boyfriend back before my bipolar ruined our relationship. Now she has exams again while I don't have them this semester, and I really miss her too. I got home in June, and since then I don't really think about it unless we're apart from 3 or 4 days. i know he isn’t just too busy because i can see his profile him listening to music and playing Ouch, I was really expecting under 6 months. I'm not tryna dictate your relationship by any means. I love my friends very much and I am eternally grateful for them. Just Venting My man was put in jail last week but they approved me for visitations but he hasn’t been assigned a group yet (I’m assuming because he is in a holding place) he was only able to call me two times and he told me he is never let out of his cell unless it’s to shower. ” His response to me would be like “Cuddles, kissys and feeetyy honeyy🤣😘. Of course I am immensely proud and I support his decision in whatever he wants to do but I miss him terribly. I miss him tapping on the dash trying to be in tune with the beat of the song, his terrible jokes, making fun of my huge ass forehead, him being happy I got him food, and yea of course I miss the relationship we had, I loved his comfort, I loved loving him, he was a great guy and Feb 20, 2024 · But in newer relationships, it feels like every inch of your brain is shouting, “I miss my boyfriend!” Trust in yourself. I ordered some picture frames and plan to put up pictures around the house. I'm just taking the love I can't give him and trying to spread it to others in the meantime so I don't bottle it all up. I'm not gonna get too deep into it, but I'm 99. I broke up with him once and went back with him. It's not that I don't think about my boyfriend because I think about him, and I also think about him when I see certain things and I also talk about him with my friends. You guys are hurting together. but you choose what is best for You. I miss him being my best friend, and me his. after my lease ends (2 months) i will cut him off. We live far away from eash other. I just wish I felt the same kind of love reflected back to me. Then he started being less patient with me, being angrier, and blaming it all on me. I don't like wearing it because I don't want my scent to get rid of his or anything. Padaba taka, my love. He tells me I embarrass him and waste his time. Passion comes with fighting. A time will come when he'll cry thinking about you just like my uncle, my aunt was the sweetest person i ever met but my uncle treated her really badly and when she left for good he was happy for a few weeks but then he realised , how for his own stupidity he lost the gem of his life and now he just regrets and cries. So lust. It’s been 4 months but I still miss him like crazy. It’s normal to miss someone when you’re not with them. It’s perfectly normal to miss your ex. i’ve (18F) recently been in a LDR with my boyfriend (18M) of 3 years. It was, for the most part, the reason for those bad things that happened post breakup. I’ve moved on and I don’t really need her anymore. End It’s okay to miss him and to hurt. Well no. I have to many bills and debts to pay, stuff like this just isn’t in the budget, and probably won’t be for a while. It’s also ok to tell her your thoughts on that. My (21m) gf (22f) and i have been together about 7 months right now. I think this might sound like I don't care about my friends that much (my boyfriend certainly thinks so, considering he sees his friend group like 3x a week, which sounds dreadfully boring to me) - but it's not the case. The best thing a guy can give you is peace of mind. I know that it was for the best and most of the time I don’t even miss my ex boyfriend but I do miss how in love I was, how much we laughed, how relaxed I felt each time with him, etc. He’s the best part of my day. I don't doubt that he would say yes if I asked, even if he's tired, but again, I don't want to feel like I'm making him do it. I don't think any breakup is ever easy, breakups are always hard. i (21f) and my boyfriend (25m) have been dating for a little over a year. i miss fucking around with him. I’d say I miss both. I miss his warmth, and how he clings onto me when he gets cold. Last week on Wednesday, my parents made me quit my job, causing me to lose all of my time with him entirely. he's became an asshole, and i'm in so much grief. When he enters a room I feel so excited! And when he sees me he waves like a child and gets so happy. That is something to value itself. This is fine, I’m glad they get a long and hang out, but it often means that I end up staying late watching the boss’s kid so that he and my boyfriend can get drunk and I don’t get paid anything over my 8 hours. My(21 F) boyfriend (22 M), just landed this incredible Jon that he loves with amazing pay and amazing benefits, and I couldn't be more happier for him or proud of him. I just care about him. It’s a scary yet amazing feeling all at once but I wouldn’t trade it! It’s been three years, and I miss him every day but the pain feels a bit closer today. My ex of 3 years was my first love so I have a certain attachment to him that I don’t think I’ll be able to have again. I don't miss being lied to, cheated on, I don't miss him flirting with other girls. But it does not make you a terrible person. We met online by complete chance one day and hit it off so strongly. How do people even have free time? I don't even have kids yet and most of my classmates are parents. I want to be with him again so bad. i’m not sure how to say this without sounding like a dick, so i’m just going to souls like a dick. Hey friends! I have a boyfriend. Maybe you can express to her that you are in a place where you don’t know what else to do and you are feeling helpless and you don’t deserve this. Stupid boring title right. He use to be the reason I was actually happy for once now his the reason I have tears on my pillows. They don’t make you feel insecure. I WANT HIM BACK. My bf will start sending me "I miss you" messages while I'm at work. we spend a lot of time together, especially at work. i miss making breakfast and drinking coffee with him. we work at the same store, he has to stay in his department - my job is walking around the store and shopping. My boyfriend dosent miss me Ok my boyfriend (who has autism) has been kinda distant after a drama with my friend group he has told me the won’t leave me but I’m worried, he dosent text me for hours, haven’t been kissing me as much as he did, we’ve been dating for a month and a half, so you think it might be the honeymoon period ending? I am employed, I own a medical practice and my job has me away from home often and I am occupied with my own work and friends so I’m happy to say I am independent. Sure, I don't think about him all the time anymore, but when I do it's incredibly disruptive to my life. Idk I gotta disagree with this. i need advice. i don't think i'll be able to provide an update at this time, but i will do my best after two months. But you're right, if I do find his behavior annoying it's maybe because we're not compatible. Thank you for your response ! I base my thinking of off relationship tiktoks and stuff where they always show the man missing the woman so much when she leaves, and my friends relationship when sheu tells me that her boyfriend always sends her messages to tell her how much he misses her and wants to see her… like i want that for me too, but i don’t know if it’s just because of my anxiety Wanting to have some time to yourself is not a bad thing, and it is part of any healthy, long-term relationship. We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. It's called parataxic distortion. my heart goes to one and every one of you ♥️ So don’t feel discouraged or like something is wrong with you if you miss your ex-girlfriend or boyfriend. I don't miss being call ugly, a whore, worthless, unsexy, paranoid, a piece of shit, a psycho. I’m not sure how to actually feel, though. When we first got together, he was insanely attractive. but i feel like you don’t care. I nanny for his bosses family. To get over a breakup, you need to change your way of thinking. I still lay awake at night and wish so badly he was next to me. i miss having sex with him. I’m obviously going to see my boyfriend again. i wish I didn’t have a bedtime or he had a regular sleep schedule Me and my boyfriend broke up recently (about 10 days ago), cuz we realized that perhaps we (our goals and interests) are not compatible enough. I miss waking up to him already, and I hate going to bed without him. I think of him, but I don't miss him the way you are describing, I think. i don't want anyone else. she's the best and is worth it. You have happy memories together, and it’s only natural to miss the good times. You don't fall in love with someone in the first few seconds of meeting them and you don't fall out of love with them in the final few seconds. When I'm on vacation, or visiting somewhere away from home, I miss my PC, and my office, and my alone time, more than my partner. Our relationship was so so good for so long. (this post is not asking for advice on how quickly we are moving things, as i am aware of this. They would say this missed me and to come back and I finally got my things packed and told my boyfriend it’s time to return. Look at it in a positive view - you two have now found a love that both of you can look at and say “wow, this was the top. We dated for just under two years, but we’d known each other for a couple years before that. I was with my ex for almost 6 years. That being said, I miss the friendship that came from my most recent ex. I think it’s just a great sign of your compatibility especially if it’s a long term relationship and you still feel this way most of the time (To preface, we are young and still figuring life out, my boyfriend is very lovely to me and I love him very much! He is my person and I want nothing more then to spend the rest of my life with him. You’ll do well to remember that. I know it's only been 8 days, but still. But just like the other commenters, my “I miss you”s mean just a little bit more when I’m away for work than my “I miss you”s when they’re away. Any advice on how to get over those things? A place to get personal things off your chest. I don't feel like it's a symptom of us loving each other less or drifting apart. Pets! When I traveled last year, gone for 22 days, those final 3-4 days I was miserable because I was desperate to come back home to my cats. Seriously, i'd just reread even the simplest letter she sent (One was just a picture of a cartoon elephant and I treasured the shit out of it). 5 years and it still hurts. I have talked to him about this once, and he did change regarding the specific gesture of affection I felt lacking that we discussed. My family will often say they miss me, but I don't feel right saying it back because I don't feel it. English is not my first language and I don't know if annoying is the right word. When I got back, my boyfriend told me he was now serious about our relationship, and has started to try to show me how much he cares about me. he was clingy and i got to point where i fallen out of love with him and we barley have talk in 2 weeks, mainly its him texting me, he misses me and we cant just throw away the relationship after 5 years we can fix it. i miss laying in bed watching shows together. I talk to my therapist about this and he assures me it’s normal to have these feelings as long as I still love my boyfriend’s appearance. All my professors forget I have 8 other mandatory classes, I can't just read 60 pages every day when I come back at 10 PM and class starts at 8. I don't know what to do I feel like maybe I'm stopping loving him but I didn't want to stop loving him even though I know it's something I don't have much control over. i'll wait her for a long time. Need help with your relationship? Whether it's romance, friendship, family, co-workers, or… I’m also extremely independent and can go long periods of time without other people. The strong love emotions, the first person to understand me. Help ! >. It's the first LDR for both of us and, thankfully, the long-distance isn't going to last very long. when he does respond it’s usually great and makes me very happy but lately he’s… Me and my boyfriend have been in a LDR for about 2 months now (I know, not that long). Yeah it's a thing. F22, m21 I've been away from my boyfriend for about 4 weeks now, The last time I saw him was at a party and we were mostly engaging through intoxication and sex, that was the last thing we did together. I don’t know if I want advice? TL/DR: my boyfriend used to be thin but with his weight gain over the years, I don’t know how to feel. I barely texted my mom, she got mad because when my sis travels she sends her pics everyday and I basically ghosted her but, I talked to the cat sitter everyday asking for pictures and updates. The thing is, i dont want to be in any type of relationship right now, not even with him. Today I (30F) told my boyfriend (33M) that I want to take a break from our 5 year old relationship until at least summer time. I don’t want to breakup with him. I miss him smiling whenever he picked me up racing to open my door( I was so stubborn lol). I want my old sweet loving kind bf again but he doesn’t understand bipolar. I miss him so much yes we are still together but his an asshole now. 8K comments. this happend 3 times. It just sucks… I miss him so much Deployed - When you knew you were going to be separated spending a year in the desert, I was just happy to get paper mail from her. And during those times, I don't like my body and there is nothing you are going to say that will change my mind. Being more affectionate, telling me he loves me, doing nice things for me. Every time i am not with her, i feel like i miss her, and the thought of breaking up with her makes me sad, but when im with her, i think how breaking up with her will give me the freedom ive never had in the relationship, like hanging with friends from time to time, and getting personal time without having to fight for it. I'm only saying that to tell you that you don't have to feel bad about it. ) He wasn't the best fit for me but he listened to me and gave me encouraging words, but he didn't share the same/similar opiuonps and goals as me ans still lved with his parents (We dated via discord when I was 18 and he was 23, and I kinda realized he was grooming me) sorry for r grammaer mistakes I'm pretty drunk rn lol. After the fourth I told him no matter how much I missed him I would not go back with him no matter how much he pleaded. it hit a climax a few months before this school year started and i told them “hey dude. So. Speaking of dependency emotionally, I don’t think I am. I didn't just perform love, I truly believe it's a feeling not an action. He actually broke up with me, saying he wanted to focus on work and that our relationship lost its spark (probably because I got comfortable, but I don’t really know). But when you try to address these issues with your partner, pay attention to how they respond. i know he isn’t just too busy because i can see his profile him listening to music and playing I(18F) was broken up with by my (19M) boyfriend two months ago. When we’re in person together everything is always perfect and I feel like it’s what you should feel in a relationship. It feels weird that I don't know what he's been up to, or how his life is going. It breaks my heart everyday that I don’t. I don’t want her back under any circumstances, I just miss her and her companionship. 💖 The biggest advice I can give you is to remind yourself why you guys broke up in the We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. I’m a very deep, communicative person while my fiancé is not. He’s been in a new relationship for about 1. Just 2 & 1/2 more months ️ But I’m new to this lifestyle and I need support. I don't drink any more. I love her more than I’ve loved anyone in the past, but I genuinely don’t feel like I miss her. This is my first ever relationship too. This breakup really broke me and I don’t know if I’ll ever be fully whole again. Or when I’m coming home I’m not excited. He says “I miss you more wifey. My fiance and I got engaged in November and have lived together since before that. A part of me did, but a huge part of me felt so so sad. I really miss it. On the other hand, I don't know that I've ever missed anyone, except my mother after she passed away. I wonder if those I've talked endlessly with my mother and my therapist about this but I just don't feel like I'm getting anywhere. I enjoy having the whole house to myself, dinner the way I like it, movies I want to watch, do whatever I want. i read the letters he used to write for me and cried for an hour. The problem is that during the week when we’re apart, I don’t have any sort of feelings that I miss her. I don’t know how to help him and I feel like our relationship is falling apart, and I feel guilty that im complaining to him about my needs not being met when he’s going through this. < See I’m in the same spot. When you’re head over heels for someone, it’s easy to want to spend every my boyfriend and i started dating right after I developed ptsd and two years later, im only now starting to feel normal, happy and good. That’s all. I don’t know how to word it or explain it. Me and my boyfriend both feel the same way. he sleeps during the day a lot of the time and doesn’t usually respond until around 10pm or even later sometimes when i am already asleep. At times I don't like my body. They don’t make you paranoid. However, recently I've been feeling distant from him and, at times, like I'm putting in a lot of effort only to received like one or two worded responses. we just keep busy with Uni study and hobbies when we can't talk. I’m like you now and don’t feel different with my partner (temporarily) away. We don’t do anything sexual anymore and this was what I agreed Aspergirls is a place to share advice and tips for topics related to autism and self-improvement. I don’t have the money to move out unfortunately. We have a tendency to think the world of people we are familiar with and choose to turn a blind eye to the negative traits out of bias sometimes. I don't miss being told that to kill myself, I don't miss being told that my existence has no benefit. My boyfriend and I have been together for two years. I'm sorry for still clinging to this. i don’t want to break up or I don’t usually miss them either, it’s actually an issue for some of the men I’ve dated. We help with INTERPERSONAL questions/struggles related to autism and life skills, personal growth, healthy coping mechanisms, etc. Days leading up to the breakup I couldnt stand him and I was reconsidering if I even like him that much anymore, and I still don’t think I like him as much as I used to, but I miss him so much. It's. He has long, curly, gorgeous hair (that went past his shoulders), beautiful teeth, and had recently lost a lot of weight (he was still thick which is typically the body type I go for). I hate it. But keep your own actual feelings and his in mind. Several men have told me that I’m playing hard to get or they’re not going to chase me, but realistically, I like to do stuff and enjoy my time. i miss touching him. Even when I’m mad at him I still want to be near him. People respond differently to distance. 9% sure he didn't just ghost me for no reason. Well I was wrong, and god do I miss him, I realized I don't care for his habits or for being alone 99% of the time anymore. (Open for advice, discussion, hugs, whatever it is hehe. We've been dating for the last 3 1/2 years long distance. I don't want to waste my time or his time if I don't think this relationship will work out, I would rather have both of us find someone that will make us really happy. I miss holding his hand,, cupping or pinching his cheek. it feels bad and wrong and like I’m cheating on my SO in some way. TLDR: my boyfriend of seven years who was sweet and overweight changed and became an asshole when he started going to the gym. Initiated a breakup with my boyfriend because im happy in our relationship. We still see each other all the time and do a ton of stuff together. I live in the west coast and he lives in the east. I'm just comfortable in the knowledge that I have my loved ones in my life, and I don't care if I have to wait a bit to see them again. I know that before I know it, he’ll be home. However, he works pretty long hours, and I miss him so much that it hurts some times. I miss my boyfriend so much. On or about day 8 I start thinking, dang, I want to see his face. They've both said to give it time but I fell for Jared when I was 14, we dated for a year when I was 19, and I'm now 23. I miss my friends too but all my free time is stressful because I feel like I need to finish something. Jun 17, 2015 · Maybe the reason you don't miss him the way you thought you would is that you're enjoying the free time — which is great! You should! Relationships, even good ones, can be all-consuming, making Now I’m in a happy relationship (2 years later) but I find myself missing my ex. Yes!! At least I do. I’ll tell my boyfriend something like “I miss my hubby’s kisses and cuddles. If this sounded desperate, that's because I am. But you should definitely find something to keep you distracted so that you don't further worry your boyfriend. i miss As if its going to hold any serious weight (pardon the pun). He is so sweet and understanding and he always makes me feel so content. i don’t miss him as much as i “should be”. One thing that makes it easier for me to get over a bad breakup and help me move on is to find a rebound hookup, I've always had luck on this site for finding that. we even got cats and i met him and baby sat him. I love him sooo much. I just sleep with his, like cuddling it. And I think the phrase rings true; we broke up for a reason. Even if that’s it the case for you, don’t think you’re a horrible person. Several times he’s said he will and then either things got in the way or it got so late I had to go to bed. We see each other like 2 times a week but we used to see each other every other day. i miss cuddling together, feeling miniaturized as he hugged and held me. i was hers when she said "I love you" and i literally haven't felt or heard this my entire life. we were long distance for 7 months but we were on facetime 24/7 literally, so i felt like we were already living together before we actually moved in with eachother. The upsides: I’m turning 24 in two week and WISH I had the choice to not live with my parents. I'm not sure if that's an adhd thing (out of sight, out of mind) or an introvert thing. krwy skkd pqj deaecze zczrt chiuejf tccsbl anipoew uxkpe mvdm