Second date text reddit. Lots of touching and we hugged a bunch at the end.

In my experience a “nice meeting you” text after the first date means nothing, some people do it so they can say they didn’t ghost and feel better about themselves. No guy that's serious about you is gonna ask you if he can kiss you 4 times on a date. But I've been on 2nd dates where I didn't really talk to the girl between dates. Like 3-5 exchanges a date. Works fine. It doesn't matter, if you want to text, text if they take it as you being to eager, that's on them. This is a place to discuss dating and relationships over 40. I went on a first date on Saturday. You go on the first date, and you get a little tipsy, and they seem fun enough. You can tell by the tone of your message you’re very stoked about this woman and while that’s a good thing, it’s just going to hurt you if it’s unchecked. I really want to make sure that second date happens. We connected, and we agreed for a second date, at the end of the second date, she was dropping me to my car, and i asked her "if i can kiss her". You can just enjoy the moment. She has already decided whether she wants to go out with you again based on your first date. After a first date, it doesn't have to be in person or over the phone. Whoa whoa whoa. OP, I’m the same way. This man legit only sends like 1 text every like 12 hours. Scenario A is push things, 99% don't get the sale, and burn the bridge with the prospect. We went and got drinks at a new cocktail bar and ended up going to a second to prolong the date. Had successful first date and said shed reach out to me to plan second date for this Saturday. I'm looking for someone I really connect with and have great chemistry and I find if I'm struggling to have a conversation with someone early on where these kinds of pre-planned questions are needed, then the connection doesn't usually get any better over time if I continue to date them. Soon after. With this guy, we matched probably a month ago now. Ask for a second date. However, I do like your approach about setting a date because some guys are not good at asking women out. 2. It was really good. And that's where it goes wrong, either that second date gets postponed,, or the second date happens, but after so long that the momentum isn't there, and things just fizzle out. ::) all of the above Agreed. I wish you luck in the future. The guy used to text me every day, then after the 2nd date he started taking days to reply. I’ve never been on more than two dates except with the guy I dated for 5 years. We’re here to help you with a list of ways to ask for a second date by text. For me, even though the vibes were great it doesn't necessarily mean they'll be down for another date. And our first date was very fun - having brunch, going to the bookstore, and going to other places goofing off. We had a good first date and he asked me out for a second date 10 days later. She even pushed for second date and my number. She seems to be a polite girl, and so asking her out on a second date is only going to result in a yes or a polite no. I then text. Sure, I've got a pretty specific plan for our 2nd date, I just don't know how to go about offering this 2nd date after her previous message. Our second date went well (lasted from 1pm to 8pm, and we talked the entire time and he remembered lots of small things I had said before, told me about his family and bought me coffee and gave me his jacket when it got cold), but he didn't kiss me on either date. If you do, the message is that its ok to treat you like an afterthought or last minute effort. Make it easy for him but don’t do all the work. I texted after saying i had fun (around 12 am) and he hasn’t answered yet and it’s the next morning. enthusiastically and without thinking, i had agreed to see him that night not remembering at the time that i had a zoom call with some long distance friends that night. However, because of the holidays, he'll be out of town until after the New Year. The second date is perfect to share a kiss! We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. As for a second date, you will never know until you ask. Afterwards she text me saying she had a good time with a heart emoji, first time she send a heart emoji. " And then don't even say anything more. I responded “no worries, sorry you’re not feeling well. Day before next date. Case B: We set up plans to go on a first date and it leads to a second. This guy is a wannabe player and that's his routine. Apr 12, 2024 路 22. A quick check in every 3-4 days I think will suffice, like “hope your move is going well!” And then a “how did your move go? Still good for XYZ plans?” As you get close to the date. After the first date, he asked me on a second one, and in the moment, I said yes. A week ago, I went out on a first date with a guy and I can honestly say it was the best first date I ever had. I'd advise against asking at the end of the first date (as some have said) as we see tons of posts in here with people questioning why someone agreed to a second date at the end of the first and changed there mind. 100% of 3rd dates have led to month-long relationships, all but one have led to relationships that lasted at least two months. Scenario B is leave things positively and perhaps get the sale further down the line. At the end of the date, I ask her if she'd be free for another date this week. Before she left she said "We're on for Saturday right" and then we confirmed. But we had a lot in common so me not shutting up was… Aug 8, 2021 路 Whereas [your name] desires to obtain a second date from [name of partner], and [name of partner] desires to render such date on the terms and conditions set forth. 2/5ths of these two month+ relationships lasted more than a year (or 6. My guy friend told me to text him anyways, and we’ve been talking since. We had our first date and it went really well, had wander up a hill in the city then had dinner before doing some mini golf. This happened to me recently. I've never been one to care too much about texting, so I usually follow along with their style. Assuming they respond positively, I gauge her communication with me over the next couple of days, if she’s communicating with me at least the same frequency she was before the first date, I take that as a sign she’s interested in getting to know me better and ask for a Here’s the text message I use for ending pursuit. If I had a great date and the person didn’t text me back for a couple of days - I would assume they didn’t feel interested. Had a great conversation, made her laugh and at the end of the date she said she really enjoyed herself and she'd like me meet me again. Really racked my brain for these probably inaccurate numbers, but in my experience 30% of first dates have led to 2nd dates, and 2/3 of 2nd dates have led to 3rd dates. Hope you feel better soon and can get some rest this weekend. That, to me, is the make or break moment. At the very least, interest would’ve meant a “hope to see you again. This just happened to me. Be easy, be yourself, be flirty. Doesn't mean she wants to date you. As for showing interest without being pushy, maybe try finding small, subtle ways to show affection that don't rush things, like a gentle touch on the arm or a sweet compliment. Let him ask you for an official second date. She said she was totally open, and would like to meet up again. I’m sorry, but if there’s a gap of time between the first and second date I don’t text a lot because A. Yes, she could have told you that, but this is modern dating, and unfortunately, she doesn't owe you anything. Apr 16, 2023 路 The age-old question: when should you ask for a second date? Throw out the dating rules and follow your gut. This happened to me too. The words you use won't matter as long as they aren't horrible. I don't need someone to text me like 24/7 but it's really stressing me out that I can't get a hold of him to even plan our second date. Similar thing happened to me,too. Attraction felt pretty mutual. Asking to text him when I get back, which I do and he responds. I prefer to text for a bit to get an idea if it’s worth me getting dressed to go on a date. He even texted me asking what days I was free. Best of luck with your second date! But since then I haven’t heard from him… do I reach out for a second date? Or this his way of saying he’s not interested… sorry to hop in with my own question but seems similar. It really depends if we have been talking before we went on a date. However, you regularly communicate with her (i. Ended up bushwhacking for half of it, got covered in poison oak, both of us fell in water multiple times and had to do the entire hike back in the dark, but she said it was the best date she’s ever been on Setting up second date - text or call? So I went on a really good first date at the weekend. Just be straight, say something like "I know I agreed to this second date, but after thinking about things more, I've realized that I don't want to go on a second date. The date needs to happen on your terms considering she can't even respond to your messages and makes you double text her. First date was amazing. Before you meet up, though, it can help to have an idea of what to expect and how you can make the best of your date. 48 hours pass so I text her and ask if she'd like to hang out sometime. Afterwards I asked her over text if she would want to go hiking because that’s something we both enjoy and she said she definitely would. Went on a first date 2 weeks ago. They say to do that since a good amount of women, if they like a guy on the first date, can get unsure about a guy liking them. A lot of the awkward introduction is done with, no need for question/answer stuff. If you like the girl - go ahead, if you met another one in the meantime that you want to go with - then go ahead with the new one. During the 1st date she had prepped herself (wore lipstick, did some facial thing and wore a turtleneck) but on the 2nd date came in casuals as if she’s going to college. She said that she would text me when she was feeling better. , sober), they are actually not so interesting on the second date. Not saying the date wasn’t great, but the reality is they’re simply not concerned enough that you could be taken out by another man and fall for him, so they have no problem twiddling We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. Here’s the text message I use for ending pursuit. I understand that asking for a second date while still on the first date allows the other person to know that you had a great time, and it also helps you 'seal the deal' or 'lock it down' a lot quicker than waiting for days on end to just hope you will see one another again, but I kind of feel like it is a turn off. On the second date, it is a red flag to me if my date doesn't offer to split the bill. He always takes a while to answer texts. To be fair, I sent this text about 7 hours ago. But since then I haven’t heard from him… do I reach out for a second date? Or this his way of saying he’s not interested… sorry to hop in with my own question but seems similar. To thank her for a lovely evening, and remind her what a good time you had. It's too much pressu Went on a date with a really nice girl from hinge, had a wonderful time chatting over coffee for 3 hours. If we go on a date and I don't hear from you or only hear from you once a day with some dry text, I assume you don't like me. he told me that i should come see him at work. I wouldn’t press him any further. I don't get the analogy. You don't have a date set up and should make other plans. Ultimately rejections of any sorts are a huge part of life, and you need to be accustomed to receiving them with both grace and confidence. Look to get a bit of advice as to what to do for a 2nd date. If you follow these tips, you should hopefully have a great second date, so don’t let it end without letting your date know that you had a good time. I’ve been sure I want a second date, I’ve been sure I don’t want a second date, and I’ve been on the fence about it and willing to try a second date to see how it goes. I’ve felt all three things. I asked about a second date and they agreed. And as for date ideas in a small town, maybe try a picnic in a local park, stargazing, or exploring a nearby hiking trail. Say if you met on Friday and next Friday was the 2nd date, I would text her after the weekend on like Tuesday about random things plus a brief outline of the plan for the next date. We would text non stop and convo flowed well. She was preparing her "let's be friends" speech to give for if that second date was the same. Game playing gets you nowhere!!! Everyone needs to stop all the bs(who texts who and when, don't double text, how long should i wait to text) it's all just semantics, if anyone actually lets this minor bs decide who they want to date they're too f'ing immature to be dating. We hug, I give her a kiss on the cheek, tell her it was nice to meet her and we part ways. This subreddit is unofficial and we are not affiliated with or represent Hinge in any official capacity. We definitely clicked and had a few kisses at the end. Some people are just kind of bizarre. " And then we'd text each other to set it up. I haven't heard from her yet. I had a great date with this guy that I met on Hinge on Sunday night. I went on a great first date with a guy and he asked me out on a second date. I text a funny video link. Went for a walk and got ice cream in a picturesque town in our area. Send her a funny anecdote and see how she responds. I thought it was a bit weird and wasn’t sure if it was because he wasn’t interested or if he was just awkward so later that night I sent a text to say I had fun and ask if there was a reason We’ve been texting one another since and it’s been 5 days since that date, we send snaps/memes/jokes and text but he hasn’t mentioned a second date or asked if I’m free, I want to see him again but I don’t want to be desperate and I’m kind of tired of chasing men. Jun 21, 2024 路 To make things easier, you might try asking for a date over text. Anyways I recently went on a date and didn’t receive a text back the next day. It’s happened to me twice. the first date was a drink, and these next plans are for dinner. This waiting period allows the other person to contact you first and generates uncertainty, which can raise attraction. There is back and forth messaging on the site for an extended period of time. Lots of touching and we hugged a bunch at the end. There was one guy who kept asking me out and I have him mad props. This is the best way to ask for a second date. Oh wise ones of Reddit, I need dating advice--badly. That doesn't mean the second date will happen immediately. Do I just text her saying "Hey, do you wanna go on another date this week if you're free?" and hope for the best? Was my first date ever so following up is just as hard, even though she sorta agreed to a 2nd date after the first date when I asked her. First one ended in a hug and looking back I literally had one beer more than I should have. have three dates within 2 weeks). text, phone, in person, IM) use that to ask her out again as soon as you have something planned. Texting or talking on the phone after a date really lets me know someone is into me. Yes, I have twice. Awkward Second Date (Text, mpreg POV story) A short fluff story, where the pregnant male POV catches up with girl who got him knocked up. So the second date was just getting more comfortable with each other. She looks at your IG stories because she finds them entertaining. I understand no kiss on the first date, thats fine, but if you are willing to go on a second date with him you should already know if you want to kiss him or not and two dates is more than enough to determine whether you like someone or not, so when a chick is playing this stupid “i need more time” game its just annoying. If he texts you at 5, you don't go. He asked me out for a second time then ghosted. I matched his energy and did the same, this lasted a few weeks, but then one time when he randomly messaged me I said that I'm confused by his behaviour and the change in communication style. Maybe not super specific but "I'd like to take you out again, are you free this week?" And I would be like "yeah, let me know when you're available and see if we can make it happen. It vs. Second date (last night) went pretty well. I am curious what you folks think of this. Like with my fiance now we were talking for a a few weeks before we went on our first date. She said yes, and we kissed twice for 2-3 seconds. I'm noticing I'm normally the first person to message, which I'm not sure if I should take as a sign that I need to slow it down. ) I don’t really know this person yet and don’t feel like I can accurately get to know them via text, and B. I just don't know what's right, can't find the right balance. I appreciate you taking me out, and I am sorry for any hurt feelings this may have caused. We got along pretty well, had good conversation, and it lasted about 2. Went out on a pretty fun date last night, dinner at a really cool restaurant type place we talked for like 4 hours it seemed like it went fairly well. Even though we’re opposites in a lot of ways, we understand each other at the same time. The next morning, he texted me asking to go out on a second date and I was happy to say yes. I wasn’t head over heals or anything but thought he seemed cute and nice enough to give another date. It’s a fun way to ask for and plan the next date without as much pressure as talking in person. We had a good second date for dinner but we didn’t kiss and he even asked me to go for another drink after dinner. The fact that she laughed at you and didn't attempt to pick up drinks at the second The last time I went on a date with a girl, we met a week before at a bar. You should ask for a second date no later than a day after the first date (honestly if the date is extremely successful, you should be asking to see her again that same night). We had our second date on Tuesday. After a day of reflecting, I realize I'm not interested in going on a second date. I work with all women, mostly under the age of 30. So this is just my opinion but- you paid for the first date and second date. She could have been your soulmate but your negative game never gave her a chance to get to know you enough to find out. I'd rather let the conversation happen naturally than have a pre-written text of questions. Now, I need to send the dreaded "I'm sorry, I had fun but I'm not interested in another date" text. I feel like he's not invested/thaaat interested. If you both thought the first date was a success, you've got some leeway in how you ask for a second date. Went on a date with a really nice girl from hinge, had a wonderful time chatting over coffee for 3 hours. Your 2nd text on the double text was slick. One led to a 9 month relationship and the other to an 18-month relationship. After this date, my butterflies are going, I feel I’m already into him and my interest is peaked - I realise I like this man. If you go on a date on Thursday night and on Friday morning you ask for a second date, that's totally fine. The date went well to the point where she agreed to a second date but hasn't replied since. e. And yes I would read your text as being needy/too persistent. Things went really well on date 1. We had a first date went fine. I call back and leave a voicemail. This matters. She was really bad at responding taking 24 hours usually but showed interest and hearting my texts. Send a text afterward. Signed below. 6% of all first dates). this sub is for advice about specific dating situations not general debates. " I would initiate at least three text conversations in the week between first and second date. Had a date and it wasn’t all the amazing but thought I would go in a second date bc sometimes first dates aren’t super great indicators. And then propose another date. Then again on Friday to confirm exact details. Anyway, he doesn’t really mention date 3 at any point but is very sweet and affectionate. Yesterday I was supposed to go on a second date, however the girl canceled because she said she was feeling sick and had to go home from work. Same story with date 3 (i. But he has texted me after a week asking how I'm doing etc etc. Friends I've spoken to have stressed to me the importance of instant or first-date attraction. A few days later. If he truly liked you, he would read the signs and just go for it. She's told me that she was actually on the fence about me after that date - if I hadn't reached out to set up a second one, she wouldn't have bothered. 3. I enjoyed myself this evening, and hope you did aswell. If she never responds, should I just drop this completely and We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. So I just won't text them ever again and they don't text me ever again either. I eventually found it easier to suppress romantic feelings until at least date 2. . I did not get her a flower on the 2nd date. Thanks for the help If she's anything like me she'll probably say yes to a second date. In both cases I do not text my dates in between time other than to set up the logistics of the date. So today I asked to go out tomorrow night. It was my first date since ending my relationship with my ex boyfriend almost 5 months ago. We texted almost everyday leading up to the date and then for like two or three days after. Regardless of her answer, you can be confident that she enjoyed her time with you and that you enjoyed your time with her. ) On paying- you are a generous person! As a man, I will offer to pay on a first date with drinks. We text through the week and seem to be getting along really well and have a decent amount of common interests. This has happened to me a few times with different people. I don't usually follow up after that because I know what it means, they aren't interested, and I'm not going to keep pursuing someone who doesn't feel the same way about me. We went on a first date that went really well. I figure you can't tell too much from a first date, so agreeing to a second date is not that big of a deal. Personally, I think the hour between getting home from a date and going to sleep is an awkward time to agree to a second date, because I'd be in the middle of processing how the first date went. He texted me yesterday (after our 2nd one) saying that he had a great time, and followed up on his proposition of a third date, BUT used the word "sometime soon". I stopped texting after dates, the ones that were interested always texted. He mentioned that he was basically a relationship guy (said that he hasn't had many relationships, but when he dates it's generally serious). Sometimes it's quicker, sometimes it's shorter, it really all depends. Havent heard back from her and I dont want to seem needy and text her first. Went on a coffee date with a girl for the first date, apparently I made a really good impression, suggested a hike for the second date. Just keep it fun and flirty and make a joke about something said about the date. In most cases, it was the woman the dictated the speed of the future dates. It's not ghosting if they stop responding after the first date. ” Making everything so formal by making him/her show up at exactly 9pm at this-and-this restaurant is too much! 4. posts about… A community for discussing the Hinge dating app. Went to a bar with some live music, took a walk after, and had probably the most amazing kiss I've had at the end of the night. Both of these guys told me that they were nervous on our first dates and were worried that they thought that they had blown it. But now, after everything has been going really well, I’m so anxious about my date with him tomorrow. Request a profile review, ask for advice, get help, or share your experiences with Hinge. Just asking me to hang out is super lame. He said he really liked me too, and the next day we made plans for a second date. OP I’d text her. Two different women I’ve went on dates with ended great. Warning: It barely meets the minimum threshold of NSFW. I don’t have a ton of experience though. I responded to him the days I was free that next week and never heard from him again. Seems like she had some sort of interest. So even before coming on 2nd date she had decided she’s going to say no. I met 17 guys on okc and only three of them asked me out again, but many more of them I would have given another chance to if they had asked. Sunday and Monday we talked a fair amount, and exchanged a few messages yesterday to lock in our upcoming date. As for dinner at home, I usually ask for a home date as the second date where I make dinner. With this new girl (who’s been extremely slow to respond ever since we started chatting on hinge) I kept a conversation from the first to second. The date was only 1,5h, and for the second date I don't feel like that's a good sign. I'd ask the next day or (if the date was earlier in the day) later that night. I also want a guy who likes to talk to me and shows interest. He'd do it at the end of each date. One said she thought she was ready to date but isn’t anymore. I haven’t heard about a second date so I’m assuming he isn’t interested, if you’re interested ask! She’ll probably be relieved. I even said let me know if you still want to go out again, and he didn’t acknowledge it. It was rarely turned down. I then drive by her house and park across the street for 45 minutes. I met a guy on bumble. He saw the text and chose to So had a great first date last Sunday, met this girl hit it off we kissed and agreed a 2nd date, she text me to say she’s home safe and had a really nice day straight after, I messaged her back saying lets go to this place we were talking about on our date and she replied saying yeah definitely, I replied with a funny joke relating to something she was nervous about which we laughed about on Hey. He tries to be pushy on the first date, then take them to the beach and back to his pad to have sex on the 2nd date. It could very well be done via text or OKC message. I had written him off when he didn't text after the second date (which was super platonic btw). We got on great over text, but in person we didn't seem like a match. We met on Hinge (I know - but I've heard it was geared more towards relationships), and we had our first date a couple of weeks ago. Maybe try texting her again a day before your preferred date? If you want to go out - go out. I went on a date with a guy from tinder, and he texted me the next day and we arranged another for the following week. Send a text after the date to reassure them that you’re interested and hope to see them again. No response, yet Whatsapp says she's been online. I hate this. And yeah I know, I know, I shouldn't have said "yes. I messaged her after saying "I had a great time". And getting to know each other. You set up a second date and then a) they are shitty texters 2) In the cold light of day (i. Instead, wait seven days to text the other person. It’s clear at this point he isn’t going to ask me on a second date. To confirm plans for your next date. I know everyone plans different, but usually by mid week is when most make weekend plans. First date went well, made out yada yada She has touched base yesterday (which would be 2 days before the date) I confirmed it's all good and were booked in for the plan etc, for the first time since our first date though we haven't texted all day. We got coffee and talked for awhile then went to a movie, held hands a bit, but didn't cuddle at all. 5 hours. iii) Second date makeouts are weak. She was with her parents for Easter and you are immediately making drama out of it, after 1 date. I would think that like if he wanted to go out again he would be interested in talking. We had some Mexican food, wine and a lot of laughs. Texting right away often comes across as desperate and can lower attraction. Just my 2c. ” I don't usually follow up after that because I know what it means, they aren't interested, and I'm not going to keep pursuing someone who doesn't feel the same way about me. Only about 1/5 led to second dates for me. The date is set for tomorrow should I wait until then and send a text? Or wait for her? She pushed the date back because she wanted you as a backup for guy1. She is a very busy person and works a shit load. At the end of the first date, i usually say something like “that was a lot of fun” or “I think that went well”. After the second date with my boyfriend he didn’t kiss or really hug me, despite having a good opportunity to do so and the date had gone quite well. When I got home sent the following text "Hope you got back home safely. ) The most important thing is for you to nail down a day, place and time with her for that 2nd date. Be a courtesy for the first date and did it because you weren't a bad person or gave a bad impression. Just text him Had a great date on Saturday. My approach for getting a second date is to text them a few days after the first date suggesting to go on another on a specific day. Then right before the second date they send a paragraph basically ending the potentially new relationship. I [24f] just got back from a second date with a guy [24m] with whom I thought we really hit it off. I like to call first and hang up on the voicemail. People who are interested would either: decline but offer another day or just accept that day. We totally hit it off, connected and I really liked him. “Hi, Jane. Later that night, she thanked me for a nice night over text. i texted him right when i realized and said “hey sorry i can’t make it out tonight! but we We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. I frequently have quite good first dates, with good vibes all around, and I manage to get a second date no problems. Girl has cancelled second date twice now, i honestly don’t even know how to respond or if she’s being sincere? I Need Advice So the first time she cancelled she told me a day in advance, and she said she was gonna take a trip with her friends last minute, but she offered to reschedule. The second date is time to let yourself shine. Been a few hours but here and there she's been active on instagram. This isnt a hard and fast rule but usually if after a great date they dont try to lock down a 2nd date within 2 days… I’d call it “not that into you”. Had a great first date with this girl. And decide what you're going to do on that second date! If he hasn't asked you for that second date, for sure don't ask him! It's on him to do the asking (from a traditional perspective), and besides, if he doesn't ask, it means that whatever interest he may have had from the date hasn't risen to the level of him doing anything about it. Ghosted after 2 great dates, she even agreed to third date on 2nd date as well over text Me 29m met a girl 29f on bumble and went on a first date which went good that lasted three hours. I maybe got bad dating advice once that I should never text a guy after a date. Get the Reddit app Scan this QR code to download the app now Sending this text after a bad 2nd date? I Need Advice 馃槱 "Hey, I wish the second date went as Only about 1/5 led to second dates for me. Some of those women are just trying it out, had a recent break up, whatever. Messaged me apologized profusely and set up a rain check date. You should never expect a second date, even if you have great chemistry. He said he had a lot of fun and continued to text me all week after. It’s been fun chatting with you, but I’m going to leave it here. That ended up being the end of things after that date but up until that point, we texted almost everyday. so right after our coffee date he had to go to his second job at a movie theater. What do you guys think about this? I had a good second date with this guy but we don't really text unless it's to make plans. Dudes who text and keep in contact move to the front of the line, honestly!. If she was 50/50 you just pushed her away. It lasted about 3 hours. It's been almost 12 hours. I don’t know if it’s about wanting constant communication - but if I went on a great first date, getting a text afterwards saying they enjoyed the date and would like to see me again - would be awesome. She’s dating all the time and rejecting all the time. You should not text immediately after a second date. She’s speaking the way i usually would/do when I’m trying to gently let the other person down without being confrontational. If nothing bad happened and you had a good first date, ask for another one and build from there. I don’t hear anything from him the next day, nor the one after. 5M subscribers in the dating_advice community. However on average, her flaking rate on the 2nd date will increase dramatically if you do what you did instead of following textbook game. Thanks but no thanks is the best way you can do it. She says yes and we eventually settle on a day. You risk coming across too strong if you try to text everyday. We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. It's not a place to push gendered agendas; it's not a place to talk about all the reasons not to date; it's not a place to talk about everything wrong with dating people over 40; and it's not a place to talk about everything that's wrong with your target gender. For the record it’s not difficult for a guy to ask you out, like some people are saying. Thanks for the advice. I'm thinking, for the first option I'm worried that it'll seem to clingy or she'll realize that my texts are boring, for the second option - I'm thinking she might "forget" about me, or text someone else a lot and lose interest. Soo i went on a date with a girl, she was exactly like me. But since guy1 came through, no need to date you at all. Then we exchange numbers and set up a date- Case A: We set up plans to go on a first date. The emphasis should be on having fun, maybe next first date try an activity or a walk in the park which can inspire organic conversation about your surroundings - don’t have a set list of questions just go with the flow enjoy yourself and set things up so your date also enjoys herself 2nd date - then you can use this to be a bit more Met up for a first date on Friday and she said once "I would love to hangout again" while we were eating and then when we were parting ways she said… Now that I’ve read your comment again, I’m assuming that you’re encouraging OP to opt for irl dates rather than text his date 24/7, if that’s the case, my comment was misguided and I apologise for being a… goober. Here is my advice: Don’t get ahead of yourself. Don't wrap to much money up in this girl. But your message about not wanting to rush her was shit and not necessary. I was super super nervous about the date but when I got there and I saw him, the nerves went away. Guy I dated once agreed to a second date with me (scheduled almost a month after our first), then, a week before that, he told me his workmates scheduled an outing for him on that weekend before he leaves the country. THIS is the first text you should be sending her after the date , it shows effort on your part- rather than “ What you up to?” and that lame line “Good morning beautiful” 馃檮 Oh,make sure you initiate the next text with her. But our second date was way It’s not a bad idea to try to set up a second date but in my honest opinion, she’s not interested. If I’m not feeling like a second date I wouldn’t ask in the first place, and if it was vague, I’d always shoot them a message saying I’m not feeling the romantic connection but would be up for hanging out as friends if I had a good time. Then he said I’d love to see you again, when are you free next? And I replied with some dates immediately. I think you should text her when you get home just to say what a great time you had, and then the next day propose a second date idea. At the same time. Mar 28, 2024 路 The second date is a great time for you and a new romantic interest to get to know each other better, have some fun, and—possibly—get closer physically. When I go on dates, they always tell me to make sure to call, text, ask for a second date, things like that. I would like to see her again but I always struggle with the second date, when to ask, how much communication is right without coming across as needy but also not ignoring her completely. Been ghosted before like most people, but never after someone actually asked for a second date. vpcweax gxo coxid yybk sajkah xxz pic ycz yufrd kmpzz